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About the Clarksville Historical Society
  The Clarksville Historical Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of the local area and providing educational programs about Clarksville and the surrounding area.
   Over the years, CHS has acquired artifacts, books, photographs and other materials relating to the history of the area in and around Clarksville, including a large collection of tools from a local blacksmith.
   On September 14, 2010, CHS formally received title to the Woodside Schoolhouse, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. On June 17, 2014, CHS acquired the M.B. Earl store, which originally opened on April 12, 1902. Once reconditioned, these buildings can be used as storage space and to display our collections.
   CHS has been instrumental in securing the placement of several historical markers at locations in Clarksville, including the Clark House, Meed House, Houghtaling House, Battle of Clarksville, Blacksmith Shop, and the Harmanus Bogardus House.
   CHS has been sponsoring the annual Clarksville Heritage Day and Car Show since 2006. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring the community together and showcase local arts, crafts and culture.
   The public is invited and encouraged to attend our enlightening programs, and members receive our newsletter, the Limestone, which is published four times per year.
 October 2024 